"The sale of Team Romania lottery tickets in record time confirms that the project was a great success and I would like to thank all those who were actively involved and, at the same time, all Romanians who understood that that way they can be with the Romanian Olympic team," Romanian Lottery General Manager Ionut-Valeriu Andrei is quoted as saying.
Mark William Bracken, Executive Director of the Mass Lottery, highlighted the continued support from various stakeholders. “Thanks to our customers, our employees, and our statewide retail partners, we were once again able to deliver over $1 billion to our local communities,” Bracken said.
Lotto Hessen: 2023: Sales record of 747.5 million euros Watch 75th anniversary video. Lotto Hessen celebrated its 75th anniversary in Hessenpark in Neu-Anspach. Among those celebrating were many sales outlet operators and several prominent guests.