LAND BRANDENBURG LOTTO GmbH (LBL) sees 2023 as another year of growth
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“We are pleased with the successful year. For players, nothing compares to seeing jackpots reach previously unimagined heights. As always, we do not accomplish this work on our own. Our retail partners are the daily face of the Lottery and they must be applauded for their hard work, as should all our vendors who help us reach our goals,” said Executive Director James Carey.
“For twenty years, the Tennessee Education Lottery has helped open doors for students and families by consistently serving as a vital source of funding for specific education programs,” said Rebecca Paul, Lottery president and CEO. “We’ve seen incredible support from those who have embraced the games, our retailers, our Board of Directors, elected officials, and our dedicated team of employees—all of which has resulted in an amazing journey.” “As we enter the next decade, we’re dedicated to making sure the years ahead prove just as fun for our players and as productive for the good causes we serve.”