WATCHLOTTERY INDUSTRY HALL OF FAME First Induction Ceremony. The first ceremony was held Tuesday June 6 4:30p Sibenik, CROATIA at the European Lottery Congress
Lottery Industry Hall of Fame members on hand to welcome the inductees from the First Ceremony were: HANSJORG HOLTKEMEIER, DOUG POLLARD, JENNIFER WELSHONS (2023), SARAH M. TAYLOR (2023), JENNIFER D. WESTBURY, PHILIPPE VLAEMMINCK, KONSTANTINOS FARRIS (2023), LYNNE ROITER, ANDREAS KöTTER (2023), REBECCA PAUL, OLLI SAREKOSKI, ROMANA GIRANDON, ARJAN VAN'T VEER (2023), FRIEDRICH STICKLER, RAY BATES, DAVID GALE. The induction ceremony for the Mr Farris, Mr Kötter, Mr van’t Veer was held at EL Congress in Šibenik, Croatia on Tuesday June 6 (4:30 pm in the Main Hall); for Mr Cash, Ms Taylor, and Ms Welshons, the ceremony will be held at the NASPL conference in Milwaukee on or about November 1 (specific time and room TBD).-r Visit for info about the Hall of Fame and its members