Aurora Retailer Wizard: The One Stop Shop
for Engaging Lottery Retailers, Driving Best
Practices, and Growing Sales
It’s no secret that inventory management, accounting, and
lottery best practices can be challenging for most retailers.
With Aurora Retailer Wizard, everything retailers need to
manage and grow their lottery business is just a click away.
Unique in the industry, Aurora Retailer Wizard is a powerful
tool customized to fit the needs of both corporate account and
independent retailers – including those who own multiple locations
– today and tomorrow. Retailer Wizard simplifies and streamlines
the entire lottery process, so that retailers can devote more time
and energy to engaging players. After all, that’s what sells tickets.
Aurora Retailer Wizard provides lottery retailers and their
employees with a single, user-friendly site from which to obtain
and interact with all the information they need to manage their
business, without being tied to their terminals. Because Retailer
Wizard’s responsive design works seamlessly across any browser or
device, busy retailers can have at-a-glance access to accurate and
timely information,
training, and tools via
desktop, laptop, tablet,
and smartphone – from
anywhere with a web connection.
Insights Your Retailers Need to Drive Their
Business Forward
Aurora Retailer Wizard enables a new level of engagement with
retailers and supports in-store execution and sales performance.
It facilitates two-way communication between a lottery and
its retailers, letting them know exactly where they stand, even
between sales calls; drives lottery best practices; and
stimulates actions to correct sales-depleting situations that
may exist in their stores.
Starting with their personalized home page, or dashboard,
featuring widgets with data graphics specific to that
retailer’s business, retailers have their own Electronic Funds
Transfer (EFT) information, sales and earnings data,
jackpot and winner awareness, and other sales-driving tools
right at their fingertips. Actionable alerts notify retailers in
real time about potentially revenue-draining situations,
such as when they have not activated new instant games
by launch day or if they have empty bins in their Lottery
Vending Machines (LVMs), and Retailer Wizard’s
extensive inventory management features provide them
with real-time information about instant ticket inventory,
including by-game and by-pack details; sales trends; ticket-
tracking functionality; the ability to confirm, activate, and
settle directly from the portal; and more. Aurora Retailer
Wizard also delivers vital training right to retailers and their
staff through its interactive Lottery Learning Link (LLL)
module, ensuring the lottery presents a knowledgeable
front line to its players.
Strengthens 2-way
communication with
access and awareness
Keeps retailers
on top of
business anytime,
Includes eLearning
for interactive training
of retailers and their sta
Stimulates actions
today to increase
sales today
Automate and
streamlines the
entire retailer
life cycle
Aurora Retailer Wizard Functionality and Associated Benefits