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Published: December 15, 2019

Simple rule change could allow off-site sports betting in Arkansas

It's been nearly six months since sports betting went live in two Arkansas casinos, but millions have already been wagered.

Arkansas Racing Commission spokesperson, Scott Hardin, told KATV $8.5 million has been wagered between Oaklawn Racing Casino Resort and the Saracen Casino Annex; a total of $7.5 million has been paid out in sports betting.

"You have seen quite a bit wagered, but to put that in perspective during that same time frame, at those same two locations, you had about $700 million wagered on those slot machines. It's a developing sector of Arkansas' casino industry," said Hardin.

Southland Casino Racing has plans to offer sports betting, but Hardin confirmed those final plans have not been reviewed by the racing commission.
While millions have been wagered and millions have been paid out, right now the racing commission's rules only allow for on-site betting.
 Per the racing commission's rules, Arkansas casinos can allow sports betting anywhere on the property, but to bet from the comfort of your own home, a rule change will need to be made.

“The racing commission would make the change, they would edit the rule, the rule is then provided to some legislative committees to look at, really give that rubber stamp of approval and then once that's finished, the rule in place,” Hardin explained.

KATV reached out to Saracen, for comment on off-site sports betting, and Chairman John Berrey released this statement:

“Our organization is focused on the construction of the Saracen Resort, the largest project in the state right now. In addition, we are spending our resources looking to hire to add to our incredible Pine Bluff team. We are following the law and the parameters of the racing commission.”

Oaklawn’s General Manager confirmed to Channel 7 that they plan to ask the racing commission for off-site sports betting at a later date.

Hardin added that it would take the request from a casino for the racing commission to consider off-site betting.

Right now, the only off-site betting currently offered in Arkansas is the Oaklawn Anywhere app that’s used for horse race betting.