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Published: October 28, 2018

GLMS and Victoria Police join forces to safeguard the integrity of Australian sports

Lausanne, 24 October 2018: The Global Lottery Monitoring System (GLMS) and Victoria Police have decided to join forces and share information regarding irregular betting patterns in order to detect and prevent sports betting manipulations in Australian sport. GLMS will be providing Victoria Police with information on irregular betting patterns or insider betting that is taking place in connection with sport competitions throughout Australia.

Commenting on this new GLMS partnership, GLMS President, Ludovico Calvi states: “Working closely with law enforcement agencies is of key strategic importance for an effective fight against sport competition manipulations. Victoria Police has significant experience in gathering intelligence against the phenomenon and I am proud that GLMS will be contributing to protect sports and its values with a focus on Australian sport competitions. This cooperation will also further strengthen GLMS worldwide network and its “glocal” approach.”

Neil Paterson, Assistant Commissioner of Victoria Police adds "Corruption in sport is a real concern for Victoria Police and this agreement will allow us to better target growing trends in match-fixing. We know how much Victorians love their sport and racing and we want to ensure what they are watching is fair and void of corruption. This agreement with the Global Lottery Monitoring System continues to demonstrate Victoria Police’s dedication to wipe out organised crime involvement in these industries and ensure everyone can enjoy all of our sporting and racing events."

About GLMS (

GLMS is the state lotteries’ mutualized monitoring system on sports betting. It aims at detecting and analyzing suspicious betting activities that could question the integrity of a sport competition. Building on six years of experience with the establishment in 2009 of ELMS with European Lotteries, GLMS went global in January 2015 extending the network to other continents. GLMS facilitates the sharing of sports betting information as part of the collective efforts of its members in ensuring sports integrity globally, and is dedicated to effective cooperation with all key stakeholders: regulators, law enforcement authorities, sports organizations.

GLMS currently has 31 individual Members from 4 continents (Österreichische Lotterien - Austria, Loterie Nationale – Belgium, Hrvatska Lutrija – Croatia, Danske Spil – Denmark, Veikkaus – Finland, La Française Des Jeux – France, Staatliche Loterieverwaltung in Bayern – Germany, Opap SA – Greece, Szerencsejatek – Hungary,Islenk Getspa – Iceland, Israel Sports Betting Board - Israel, Lottomatica – Italy, Sisal – Italy, Maltco Lotteries Ltd – Malta, Norsk Tipping – Norway, Santa Casa De Misericordia da Lisboa – Portugal, STOLOTO – Russia, Sportna Loterija – Slovenia, Svenska Spel – Sweden, Loterie Romande – Switzerland, Swisslos – Switzerland, Nederlandse Loterij, the Netherlands, Hong Kong Jockey Club – Hong Kong, Singapore Pools – Singapore,Ktoto Co – South Korea, China Sports Lottery – China, Loto-Québec- Canada, Polla Chilena de Beneficencia – Chile, Banca de Quinielas de Montevideo – Uruguay, La Marocaine des Jeux et des Sports, Morocco, Loterie Nationale du Sénégal – Senegal) and 2 collective Members (European Lotteries Association and World Lottery Association).

GLMS has 1 associate Member: Scientific Games Corporation


Company Contacts:

Giancarlo Sergi
GLMS General Secretary
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Evangelos Alexandrakis
GLMS Deputy General Secretary
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.