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Published: June 27, 2018

Twin Arrows Casino Is Launching Arizona’s First Casino Security Robot

win Arrows Casino is launching Arizona’s first security robot this week. The Knightscope K5 is a 398-pound autonomous robot that provides a commanding, but friendly, physical security presence at the casino. The robot will gather real-time, on-site data through numerous sensors, which is then processed to determine if there is a concern or threat in the area. If so, an appropriate alert is sent to Twin Arrows security. The robot can also read license plates, record, stream, send and store video, as well as provide thermal imaging, track parked cars, among other characteristics. Twin Arrows officials say the robot adds to the security team and has not taken away jobs from the casino. Twin Arrows is the first casino in Arizona and second in the nation to launch a Knightscope security robot. The robot will be in service starting Friday.