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Published: October 14, 2021

Spain: Agreement for advertising in gambling at the state level

Through an agreement, the Directorate General for the Regulation of Gambling and the AUTOCONTROL association updated a framework for mutual collaboration.

Spain.- The General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling and the Association for the Self-regulation of Commercial Communication ( AUTOCONTROL ) signed an agreement on publicity, sponsorship and promotion of state-level gaming activities . Through it, the existing cooperation framework between both entities since 2011 is updated.

Through this new deal, AUTOCONTROL undertook to regularly inform the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling on the decisions adopted by the Advertising Jury, as well as on its voluntary prior control activity of advertising.

In turn, the association indicated that, prior to the issuance of the decisions of the Advertising Jury or its voluntary prior control activity, it will expressly consult the different pronouncements made by the General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling that affect the specific content on advertising for state-level gambling activities that have been published on its website.

Among other issues, the agreement also provides that, within the framework of a sanctioning procedure, it will be understood that the operator acted in good faith if it had been subject to the positive prior consultation report issued by AUTOCONTROL.

Restricted hours for advertising

As of August 31 , the game's advertising can only be shown on television, radio, YouTube and video-sharing platforms in the time slot from one to five in the morning . Also, bookmaker announcements may not be broadcast during sports broadcasts and these sponsorships on soccer teams will be terminated.

The  General Directorate for the Regulation of Gambling  will be the body in charge of ensuring that these conditions are met in the advertisements and, where appropriate, of fining offenders with sanctions that will start at  € 100,000  and may reach up to one million.