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Published: October 6, 2021

Ohio Lottery Receives 2021 NASPL Batchy Award for Responsible Gambling Communications

Wednesday, October 6, 2021

CLEVELAND, OH - The Ohio Lottery is being recognized for excellence in responsible gambling messaging, receiving a 2021 National Association of State and Provincial Lottery's Batchy Award for Responsible Gambling Communications at NASPL's Annual DeskCon21 conference.

The Ohio Lottery received the award for its "Not for Kids Campaign" created by one of the Lottery's partner agencies, Fahlgren Mortine.
Click here to see one of the spots produced for campaign.
The Batchy Awards are named for Ralph Batch, NASPL’s first president and a true pioneer in lottery advertising. Each year, NASPL presents Batchy Awards for Responsible Gambling Communications. The messages are key to any overall responsibility campaign. Awards are selected, judged and awarded by a group of peers across state lotteries.

"It is an honor and great achievement to be recognized by our peers for our outstanding marketing and advertising efforts, which continue to be an important and effective means of communication with our players,” said Lottery Director Pat McDonald. “Building on the Lottery’s mission of keeping our games fun, we truly take a unique marketing approach to relay responsible gambling messaging to our players. The Lottery would like to thank its ad agency, Fahlgren Mortine, for its creative approach to communicate our responsible gambling messages."

The Ohio Lottery creates an annual campaign similar to the “Not for Kids Campaign” to raise awareness regarding the risks of underage lottery use. Lottery products are appropriate for gifting only to adults, from adults. Research indicates the earlier a person’s participation or even exposure to gambling in childhood, the more likely they are to develop gambling problems later in life.
To learn more about responsible gambling, visit

The Ohio Lottery has contributed more than $27 billion to education since 1974. For more information about the Ohio Lottery and its contribution to education, visit