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Published: September 13, 2020

The Lotería de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (LOTBA) has received a level 3 certification of the Responsible Gaming Framework (RGF) from the World Lottery Association (WLA)

The Lotería de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires (LOTBA), the gambling regulator from the capital city of Argentina, has received a level 3 certification of the Responsible Gaming Framework (RGF) from the World Lottery Association (WLA). This is the second lottery in Argentina to obtain this type of certification, after Lotería de Córdoba.

In order to reach level 3, LOTBA completed the planning and implementation of 10 key elements of the program, including: Research, Employee Program, Retailer Program, Game Design, Remote Gaming Channels, Advertising and Marketing Communications, Player Education, Treatment Referral, Stakeholder Engagement and Reporting and Measurement.

“This certification is a recognition to our responsible and efficient management, which through the Gambling Conduct Division and with the coordination of the Quality Policies Area of ​​the Modernisation and Information Technology Management, has shown evidence that demonstrates good results across all areas and interested parties,” said LOTBA.

In addition, the Lotería ‘aims to achieve the next level of certification in pursuit of promoting the values ​​of responsible and healthy gambling throughout its community.’

The WLA currently boasts 150 lottery members and 75 associate members in over 80 countries and spanning six continents. Each element of the RGF program answers to areas in which members who apply have to ensure and support responsible gaming decisions in all their activities in a comprehensive way, committed to their employees, customers and third parties.