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Published: December 6, 2023

The Danish Gambling Authority launches an informational website for gambling and compulsive gambling

The Danish Gambling Authority has launched the website StyrPå which is a platform that gathers all relevant information about gambling and compulsive gambling. 

The website, which is primarily aimed at parents and professionals (e.g. teachers), contains material about gambling and compulsive gambling, including articles written by the Danish Gambling Authority. There are also links to relevant reports and other material. 

Primary and lower secondary school teachers can also find teaching materials that can be used directly from the website. The material is aimed at students aged 13-15. 

Students who are writing an assignment on gambling or compulsive gambling can find relevant facts and figures at StyrPåSpillet. 

The website also features the podcast "Vi snakker om spillet” (“We talk about the game"), where the host talks to a number of people who have experienced gambling addiction personally or in their social circle.  

StyrPåSpillet is part of the Danish Parliament's efforts against compulsive gambling from 2023 - 2025. Read more on the Ministry of Taxation's website

Far too many young people are addicted to playing for money - new platform collects all information in one place

The Gambling Authority launches the website "StyrPåSpillet", which is the new gathering point for information and knowledge about gambling and gambling addiction.

Up to 32,000 young people under the age of 18 have gambled for money online in the past year, even though it is illegal. The young people may, for example, have played on sites without a Danish license or on skin betting sites on the illegal gambling market. Overall, up to 500,000 Danes have problems with gambling. This is a doubling from 2016 to 2021. These are violent and worrying figures.

"We must take care of our children and young people - especially in the area of ​​games, where development is going crazy fast online. Up to 32,000 people under 18 have gambled illegally for money in the past year – and far too many develop a gambling addiction at a far too early age. We must have done something about that. With StyrPåSpillet, parents and relatives get a tool that helps them find all information about gambling and gambling addiction", says Tax Minister Jeppe Bruus.

StyrPåSpillet gathers information about gambling and gambling addiction in one place. Here is information material for parents and relatives on how to deal with gambling problems. At the same time, there is teaching material for school teachers and other professionals, just as there are numbers and facts that children can use in school assignments. The content will include articles, videos and podcasts.

"I am really happy that we can present StyrPåSpillet. This makes it easier for parents, professionals, children and young people to find relevant and up-to-date knowledge about gambling and gambling addiction. It is our hope that many people will use the platform. The platform is a supplement to the StopSpillet helpline, where it is still possible to call and get help from trained staff", says Anders Dorph, director of the Gambling Authority.

The Danish Parliament has set aside DKK 30 million. DKK for efforts against gambling addiction from 2023-2025. The Gambling Authority's new knowledge platform is one of several initiatives to strengthen information efforts for and about children and young people's gambling addiction.

In addition to StyrPåSpillet, the Gambling Authority will also launch a nationwide information campaign on gambling in December 2023, which is targeted at children and young people.

Read more about StyrPåSpillet here . 

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