Published: March 12, 2023

The Dutch regulator Kansspelautoriteit Investigate duty of care providers of online games of chance: State of affairs

In 2022, the Gaming Authority (Ksa) started an investigation into the way in which providers of online games of chance put the duty of care regarding gambling addiction into practice. The initial findings are interesting and give rise to new, in-depth questions about what the duty of care looks like in practice. It was therefore decided to expand the investigation. As a result, the investigation will continue until the second quarter of 2023.
The Ksa has requested information from a number of providers of online games of chance and extensively studied the information provided. An important first finding is that the providers have shaped their duty of care in very different ways. In addition, the information provided does not provide sufficient information about the exact process of the providers' duty of care. These findings have led the Ksa to request additional information and will enter into discussions with the providers in the near future. This means that the investigation will take longer than previously expected.

The investigation was also started after various signals received about players who lost large amounts of money in a short period of time. This prompted further investigation into how policy, processes and the actual implementation of the duty of care have been implemented and structured. The initial findings are very diverse. Some examples:

  • There are major differences in the way in which lost amounts are handled, average loss, playing time and number of bets.
  • A small part of the players are responsible for a large part of the losses, playing time and the number of bets.
  • When interventions are made, there seem to be major differences in how and when they are done and who orders them.
  • Young adults are specifically monitored in the duty of care, but there is no clear approach.

A final report will follow once the investigation has been completed.

See also: Reaction-kansspelautoriteit-onderzoek/

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