After having considered all the responses to the consultation on changes to the UK gambling licence conditions and codes of practice (hereinafter “LCCP“), the UK Gambling Commission has taken the decision to strengthen requirements on licensees in key areas.
The changes will clarify the outcomes licensees must deliver for consumers and provide a firmer basis to tackle those licensees who fail to deliver them. The changes relate to:
In particular, these changes provide, among others, the following:
The UK Gambling Commission insists in making sure that marketing communications for gambling do not mislead and are not targeted at vulnerable people. To this end, all marketing communications of gambling products and services must be undertaken in a socially responsible manner.
Likewise, for instance, the ban on marketing communications showing individuals under 25 years old (i.e. : those in the 18-24 age bracket) does not apply to point of sale communications provided that they depict the sport or the other activity that may be gambled on and not the activity of gambling itself.
License holders are responsible for the actions of third parties with whom they contract for the provision of “any aspect of the licensee’s business related to the licensed activities.” In order to ensure a full compliance to the new provisions for the UK gambling license, licensees must ensure that the terms on which they contract:
UK Gambling Commission introduced changes that make easier for customers to take action where a licensee does not respect rules concerning:
Licensees must ensure that the contractual terms on which gambling is offered – as well as any consumer notices relating to gambling activity – are not “unfair” and shall be “transparent” within the meaning of the UK Consumer Rights Act 2015. Licensees must also ensure that material changes to customer contract terms must be notified before they come into effect.
Changes include the demand to handle complaints in a “open, timely and effective manner“, making clearer the status of the proceeding and providing information on “deadlock letters“. It means that the relevant complaint process could be considered ended only if:
in this case, the final letter shall explain which is the final decision explaining how to escalate the complaint to an independent ADR entity, if players wish to do so.
The changes to the LCCP will be effective from 31 October 2018. As a consequence, there isn’t much time to act.
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