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Published: February 10, 2025

Western Australia Increases Penalties to Strengthen Gambling Laws

The Government of Western Australia (WA) has increased enforcement powers and penalties to bolster the regulation of WA’s gambling industry through law reform.

The reforms address the findings and recommendations of the Perth Casino Royal Commission which found that the legislation needed to be modernised to be fit for purpose.

Amendments include significant increases in a range of penalties when there is a failure to comply with gambling laws and directions issued by the Gaming and Wagering Commission (GWC).

Gaming and Wagering Commission Chair Gary Dreibergs said: “I welcome the reforms which will greatly assist the Gaming and Wagering Commission in our important task to enforce gambling laws and disrupt illegal gambling in WA.

“The substantial increase in penalties will act as a more effective deterrent and a more appropriate punishment for law breakers who may regard current lower penalties as an acceptable risk when they consider the profits that can be made from subverting the laws.

“The extra powers for the GWC will help to significantly boost our ability to carry out successful investigations and prosecutions to stamp out illegal activity, which often attracts money launderers and organised crime gangs.”