Brazil: State of Paraná opens new accreditation period for fixed-odds bets
The novelty of this new accreditation period, already provided for in the Public Notice, is the possibility that sports betting companies can market online games exclusively in a virtual environment in a regulated and certified manner.
Loterias do Estado do Paraná (Lottopar) published this week the opening of a new accreditation application period so that companies interested in participating in this new fixed-odds betting accreditation window can express their interest and send the documentation required by the Public Notice. The first phase of the Public Announcement, which consists of the expression of interest by bidders and the sending of documentation, begins on June 3 and runs until July 3.
Once the documentation has been sent, the Lottopar Special Accreditation Commission begins the analysis of the documents received. It is in this phase that companies can be authorized to continue the accreditation process or be disqualified. This document analysis, as well as the other stages of accreditation, comply with the conditions and specifications contained in Announcement 01/2023 – Accreditation of fixed probability bets. The announcement of qualified companies is scheduled for the second half of July.
Despite this being a new window with the reopening of the date for new fixed-odds sports betting companies to participate in the accreditation, the rules and provisions remain the same as those of the first accreditation period specified in Announcement 01/ 2023 – Accreditation of Fixed Odds Betting. Among the conditions already established, we highlight that every authorized operator must be connected to the management platform and payment methods contracted by Lottopar, which provides security in Fixed Betting (AQF) operations, and must present a guarantee worth R$ 5. 8 million, the payment of a fixed subsidy of 5 million reais and a variable subsidy of 6% of the concessionaire's gross income (GGR), which is the total amount collected from the commercialization of lottery products, less the payout (amount intended for the payment of prizes ) in the same period.
«This is a new opportunity for companies in the sector to participate in accreditation in Paraná, the fastest growing state in Brazil, a leader in public transparency, sustainability and reference in lottery management, with legal certainty, respect for territoriality and pioneer spirit. We were the first state to accredit testing and certification laboratories, we are the only lottery in Brazil associated with three of the largest global institutions for responsible gaming and combating the manipulation of sports results (CIBELAE, WLA and ULIS), and we were the first lottery in hiring an integrated management and payment platform, among other actions that prevent currency evasion and money laundering. That is why I say that Paraná is the most attractive state for sports betting companies to work in a regulated manner and help build a safer, fairer, more reliable and responsible market,” said Lottopar CEO Daniel Romanowski.
online games
The inclusion of online games in this new accreditation period complies with the provisions of Federal Law No. 14,790, of December 29, 2023, which modified Federal Law No. 13,756, of 2018, creating the betting lottery modality. fixed fee on virtual online gaming events. Thus, this new accreditation window opens the possibility for authorized dealers that already operate in the state of Paraná and those who may do so after this new accreditation window, to opt for the sale or not of online games, which is not mandatory but optional.
The offer of online games exclusively in a virtual environment is authorized, in the form of fixed probability bets, which are based on virtual events and whose result is determined by the result of a random future event, based on a Random Number Generator (Games, RNGs and Platforms), symbols, figures or objects, and each online game is required to disclose a prize table, its algorithm, as well as the potential prizes for each play. In fixed odds betting, the bettor knows how much he can win and how he can win before placing the bet, since the rules must be clear and visible at the time of placing the bet.
Advertising and marketing of online games
In order to guarantee a healthy and responsible betting environment, Lottopar, through Ordinance No. 035/2024, establishes standards that must be met by licensees in the marketing of online games, including:
"Art. 55. The Fixed Bets Concessionaire in Virtual Online Gaming Events is prohibited from disseminating advertising or commercial propaganda that:
I. Their object or purpose is the dissemination of the brand, symbol or name of legal or natural persons, or the electronic or virtual channels used by them, that do not have the prior authorization required by this Ordinance.
II. Making unsubstantiated claims about the odds of winning or the potential profits bettors can expect.
III. Present the game as socially attractive or contain statements from personalities or celebrities that suggest that the game contributes to personal or social success.
IV. Suggest or give rise to the perception that gambling can be an alternative to employment, a solution to financial problems, a source of additional income or a form of financial investment.
V. Contribute in some way to offending the country's cultural beliefs or traditions, especially those contrary to gambling.
SAW. Promote marketing in schools and universities or even sports betting aimed at minors.
§Paragraph 1 – It is prohibited to carry out any type of advertising or propaganda in the media, whether physical or virtual, without warning of the indicative classification of the age group for which it is intended, as provided for in Law No. 8,069. , of July 13, 1990 (Statute of Children and Adolescents).
Art. 56 The Concessionaire, as well as its subsidiaries and controllers, are prohibited from acquiring, licensing or financing the acquisition of rights to sporting events held in the country for broadcast, broadcast, transmission, retransmission, reproduction, distribution, making available or " any form of exhibition of its sounds and images, by any means or procedure."
In order to guarantee the security of the entire operation relating to fixed odds betting (AQF), companies that pass all the accreditation phases and, consequently, become authorized concessionaires, must present the certifications described in art. . 3 of Ordinance No. 035/2024, which are GLI-33 and GLI-19. Furthermore, art. 53 establishes that "the exploitation of any online game will not be permitted if it does not have the GLI standard certification or if the bettor does not know in advance the multiplication factor of his bet, as well as the estimated amount of the prizes."
This Notice has its legal basis in Federal Law No. 8,987, of February 13, 1995; Federal Law No. 13,756, of December 12, 2018; Federal Law No. 14,133, of April 1, 2021; Law No. 14,790, of December 29, 2023; State Law No. 20, 945, of December 20, 2021; State Decree No. 10,086, of January 17, 2022; State Decree No. 10,843, of April 26, 2022; State Decree No. 2,434, of June 7, 2023; State Decree No. 5,039, of March 1, 2024, as well as the established terms in the Public Notice and its Annexes.
Fixed fee
Fixed odds bets are a type of bet on real or virtual events in which, at the time of placing the bet, it is defined how much the bettor can win if the forecast is correct.
The complete Public Notice is available on the Transparency Portal, on the Paraná Purchasing Portal and on the official Lottopar site, and can be accessed through the following link: -01-2023 .
Any questions that arise from the interpretation of this PUBLIC NOTICE and its Annexes may be clarified by sending an email to .