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Published: February 16, 2024

The Spanish Minister of Consumer Affairs will impose more controls on minors to prevent them from buying lottery online

The Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 seeks to improve the age verification system when purchasing online lottery.

Spain.- The Spanish Ministry of Social Rights, Consumption and Agenda 2030 announced that it is working to improve the age verification system for online lottery purchases to protect minors from accessing this game of chance, which is not permitted for minors. who have not yet turned 18 years old.

That is one of the lines of work of the General Directorate of Gambling Regulation ( DGOJ ), as stated in an interview with the Spanish news agency EFE, the general secretary of Consumption and Gambling, Bibiana Medialdea , which affects, however, in which operators have a double verification system for access control, which is working but now what they are looking for is to improve it.

In that sense, they explained that the DGOJ has been working on the design of its own mechanism to improve effective age control in the field of online lotteries.

However, within the framework of the new comprehensive law on the protection of minors in the digital environment, it is being assessed whether it is more effective to join the verification mechanism proposed by the Spanish Data Protection Agency (AEPD) and the National Mint. and Stamp (FNMT). In this way, according to Medialdea, age control would be homogenized for the different products or services aimed at adults, such as porn or online games.

This anonymous age verification method created by the AEPD will be launched this European summer. The Secretary General of Consumption and Gaming explained that they are technically assessing the possibilities of this system and "the one that is most effective will be implemented."

See also: The Basque Country signed a collaboration agreement with the DGOJ

On the other hand, the ministry headed by Pablo Bustinduy plans to develop the “Gambling Regulation Law” adapting it to the current digital environment and introducing a system of joint deposit limits per player, similar to the German model. 

The limit will change from being per operator to being per player, so that, by default, the player will have a weekly limit of EUR600, and a monthly limit of EUR1,500 to play on all gaming platforms and not only in one. These limits were already established but the player, when changing operators, had his limit set to zero again.

However, the player can extend the limit because gambling is an activity that is not prohibited and adults can decide what they play, but, according to the general secretary, "if the player finds that he has already reached his limit "It is quite effective in correcting these possible most problematic behaviors."

Bustinduy's ministry also plans to develop a law on random reward mechanisms in video games, loot boxes and similar devices : these systems, as defended by this department, contain elements equivalent to games of chance and, therefore, attempts will be made to search for them. formulas to protect minors.

The bases of this project will be those that were drafted during Alberto Garzón 's time as Minister of Consumption, and what it will pursue will be to identify that typology of 'loot boxes' ('loot boxes' or video game rewards) that function as a game of random so that they are not allowed for minors.