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Published: December 9, 2023

Report "Counteracting the Gray Zone and Money Laundering"

For the last three decades, Poland has been struggling with the need to put an end to the problem of the gray zone. Counteracting the gray zone is one of the areas dealt with by the UN Global Compact Network Poland. Thanks to joint actions and the involvement of all stakeholders, we create the tools necessary to counteract broadly understood corruption, including the gray and black zones in the Polish economy.

Corruption is one of the most serious obstacles to development: it hinders economic growth, increases the costs of doing business, distorts fair competition, creates reputational and legal risks for legal market participants, disrupts domestic and foreign investments and the transfer of technologies and new solutions that accelerate sustainable development. Corruption is evil and produces harmful effects. The goal that the UN sets for business is the development of a global, transparent economy based on respect for human rights, labor standards, environmental protection and an economy free from corruption. – says Kamil Wyszkowski, Executive Director of UN Global Compact Network Poland.

We present to you the report Counteracting the gray zone and money laundering 2022/2023 , which is a discussion of the next stage of activities aimed at limiting the gray zone in selected industries and eliminating economic crime in the entire Polish economy. The report is available HERE .