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Published: August 4, 2023

Brazil: Federal Government is already starting to debate on ‘Legal Framework for Gambling‘

The Federal Government is already starting to debate on an interim basis the support for the processing of the project that can legalize gambling in Brazil, the so-called ‘Legal Framework for Gambling‘.

Approved in the Chamber of Deputies at the beginning of last year, the project is stagnant in the Senate, still without a rapporteur.

According to an article by O Globo, vice president Geraldo Alckmin is sympathetic to the idea.

The Legal Framework for Gambling allows the operation of bingos and casinos on Brazilian soil. The new Minister of Tourism, Celso Sabino (União-PA) is also a supporter of the project.

In an interview with Globo, Sabino pointed out that the project favors the tourism sector and stated that “the majority of the government” with whom he spoke is favorable.

Alckmin, who is also Minister of Development, Industry and Trade, met Mor Weizer of Playtech, a provider of casino games, in July.

The meeting was promoted by the leader of the PSB in the Chamber, Felipe Carreras (PE), rapporteur of the Legal Framework for the Games in the Chamber.

“He (Alckmin) did not go into any detail (at the meeting), but he is in favor of the topic. Said it always was. Even when he was a candidate for president,” said Carreras.

The bill is also of interest to the mayor, Arthur Lira (PP-AL). In addition, the project is defended by the president of the PP, senator Ciro Nogueira (PI), however, it faces resistance from the evangelical bench.

Rapporteur of the Legal Framework for Gambling in the Senate should be defined soon

In May, the president of the Senate, Rodrigo Pacheco (PSD-MG), sent the project to the Constitution and Justice Commission (CCJ), which is headed by Davi Alcolumbre (União-AP), also in favor of regulating activities.

Still according to O Globo, the trend is that the name of the rapporteur be defined in the second half and that the matter can move forward.

The subject, however, is treated more carefully by other sectors of the government.

The president of Embratur, Marcelo Freixo, voted against the project when he was a deputy and even manifested himself on social networks. “Legalizing gambling will increase debt and break up families,” he wrote.

Upon assuming command of the tourism promotion agency, Freixo adjusted his position and stated in February, to BandNews, that the agenda is “on the horizon”.

However, Freixo highlighted that this issue needs to be dealt with “responsibly”.

In this way, the Ministry of Finance chose to separate the Legal Framework for Games from the regulation of sports betting.

On social media, the ministry explained that the Provisional Measure articulated by Haddad has “zero relationship with gambling”.

Therefore, the sports betting PM needs to be analyzed by the National Congress within 120 days so as not to lose validity.