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Published: April 4, 2022

Alabama lawmakers don’t expect state lottery bills to move forward before the end of the session

BIRMINGHAM Ala. (WIAT) — There is a lot of debate surrounding expanding gambling in Alabama with lawmakers considering two lottery bills.

Many lawmakers say they don’t believe the bills will advance because there is only a few days left in the session. CBS 42 Political Analyst Steve Flowers said it has continued to be a challenge to advance the bills because the legislation being considered is extensive.

Sen. Greg Albritton, R-Atmore, has a lottery bill being considered would allow gaming in casinos and sports betting. One bill by Rep. Chip Brown, R-Hollings Island, would allow gambling as long as it’s not done electronically.

“It’s very unlikely that will take place,” Sen. Gerald Allen said. “For one, it’s an election year. That’s probably the big item, that it’s an election year. There’s too many moving parts in the legislation that’s been presented.”

Rep. Juandalynn Givan said she wished the bills could get far enough for a vote, but doesn’t think it will happen.

“I don’t. I wish it would. I just don’t know, but hey, it’s the Alabama legislature,” Givan said. “And it’s a lot of politics in play. Hopefully it will but if not this term, at the top of the quadrennium, next year. It wasn’t vetted. It just wasn’t vetted.”

“Polling indicates that it will pass if the legislature gives Alabamians the right to vote on it,” Flowers said. “Alabamians are tired of their money going out of state.”

Flowers said he could see the legislature considering gambling again during a special session later this year.