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Published: March 29, 2022

Sponsors say Alabama lottery, gambling bills probably dead this session

The Republican sponsors of two distinct legislative plans to allow Alabama voters to decide whether to have a lottery said today they do not expect a vote on their bills during this legislative session.

Sen. Greg Albritton, R-Atmore, is sponsoring a plan for a lottery, five new casinos, two satellite casinos, sports betting, and a state commission to regulate gambling.

Albritton’s plan is similar to one that passed the Senate last year but died in the House of Representatives. Albritton said it’s the best approach to establishing regulation over the gambling operations in the state now, including electronic bingo operating in some counties. Albritton’s plan won approval in a committee three weeks ago and he was optimistic of a Senate vote at that time. But the plan has not advanced since.

Albritton said those who benefit from the absence of state regulations on gambling have helped block consideration of his plan.

“I’m correct on this issue,” Albritton said. “I know this data, up and down. I’m familiar with the industry. I’m familiar with the challenges. I was optimistic because I felt the arguments would win the day. But the money won the day.”

In the House, Rep. Chip Brown, a Republican from Mobile County, said he does not think enough time remains in the session for his lottery-only plan. Today is the 24th meeting day of the session, which can have up to 30 meeting days.

“I think we just don’t have the time right now to work on something as complex as that,” Brown said. “So I think it’s just something we’re going to have to look at addressing another session.”

Brown introduced his two-bill package on March 15. It won committee approval two days later, setting up a possible vote in the House. House Speaker Mac McCutcheon said then he hoped that lawmakers would use their spring break last week to study the plan and talk with people in their districts.

Brown made his comments today after a meeting of the House Republican Caucus.

“I think that what we have is a good bill,” Brown said. “I like the bill that I brought. But I think time-wise, I think we’re just up against the clock. We just got started too late on it.”

Alabama voters have not had a chance to vote on a lottery since 1999, when they rejected a plan by Gov. Don Siegelman.

Forty-five states have lotteries, including the four that border Alabama.