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Published: May 10, 2024

Massachusetts is allowing the use of debit cards for the purchase of lottery tickets

The Senate’s spending proposal introduce a significant change in the lottery ticket purchasing process. It calls for allowing the use of debit cards for the purchase of lottery tickets, moving away from the cash-only transactions that have been the norm. 

This shift is expected to generate an additional $25 million in revenue, according to Sen. Michael Rodrigues. At the same time, however, some estimates put the potential revenue from online lottery sales at as much as $100 million. 

But, in a dose of good news for Lottery players, the Senate’s spending proposal does call for allowing people to use their debit cards, instead of just cash, to purchase tickets. Rodriques pegged the increased revenue from that change at around $25 million.  Asked why the Senate had decided against online sales, Rodriques said the state wouldn’t see the revenue from the authorization for 14 months. He also pointed to concerns from brick-and-mortar retailers, who have said it could eat into their sales.,local%20assistance%20%E2%80%94%20without%20raising%20taxes.