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Published: December 7, 2022

Another attempt to legalize sports betting in the state of Missouri has begun

Another attempt to legalize sports betting in the state of Missouri has begun.

Late last week Senator Denny Hoskins pre-filed SB1, which if passed would legalize sports betting in Missouri. Hoskins bill may not be successful though as it also includes legalizing video lottery terminals. The inclusion of video lottery terminals in a sports betting bill earlier this year eventually led to its downfall.


Hoskins is not the only politician in Missouri looking to legalize sports betting in the state. According to reports, Missouri State Representative Dan Houx will also introduce a sports betting bill in the House in early 2023. The 2023 Missouri legislative session begins on January 4, 2023.

Houx previously introduced the sports betting bill that did not include video lottery terminals. That bill passed through the House before dying the Senate due to the video lottery terminals issue and disagreements on taxation.

Under the bill pre-filed by Hoskins last week, up to 39 mobile sports betting skins could be created in the state, split between the state’s six casinos and six professional sports franchises. Tax rates under Hoskins’ bill would be at 10 percent, down from a 21 percent rate he pitched earlier this year.

Missouri legislators are hoping the latest attempt to legalize will be successful and allow them to catch up to neighboring Kansas. Last year both Missouri and Kansas were in a race to see who could launch sports betting first.

Kansas ultimately won that battle and launched sports betting in the state in September of this year. According to reports in the first two week of sports betting going live in Kansas more than 340,000 attempts were made by residents of Missouri to access Kansas sportsbooks.