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Published: October 9, 2018

Bishop Woosley Named First Vice President of NASPL

The head of Arkansas Scholarship Lottery (ASL) has been named the new first vice president for the organization that represents lotteries throughout North America.

Bishop Woosley, director of the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery, was elected first vice president of the North American Association of State and Provincial Lotteries (NASPL). Prior to being elected first vice president, Woosley served as secretary, treasurer and second vice president. Woosley is expected to serve as NASPL president next year.

In an ASL press release, Woosley discussed the benefits of being a part of the organization and that it would benefit the state lottery. “I am honored to serve on the NASPL executive committee,” Woosley says. “Being a small state and a fairly newcomer to the lottery world, it is important to have a voice. Serving in a leadership position with such a prestigious organization gives us the opportunity to express our thoughts and concerns.”

Originally ASL’s legal counsel, Woosley has been at Arkansas Scholarship Lottery since 2009, the year it was formed. He became director in 2012. The Stuttgart native served as a deputy attorney general in the Arkansas Attorney General’s office prior to joining the lottery.

NASPL was formed in 1971 to provide an “informal exchange of information among three pioneering lottery directors,” according to the ASL press release. Since that time, it has grown to encompass 52 lotteries across the United States, Puerto Rico and Canada.

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