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Published: March 5, 2023

Executive Q&A with James Bunitsky



Affectionately known as “Jim B,” the 40-year veteran of Scientific Games is retiring this spring. James Bunitsky joined the company fresh out of college (the University of Delaware) and never looked back. From his beginnings as a Junior Accountant, he’s been through multiple changes in the company and the industry. He’s been through multiple recessions, a dot-com crash and a pandemic. He’s seen the American lottery industry grow from $2.4 billion in sales across 14 jurisdictions in 1980 to where it is today – nearly $100 billion across 46 jurisdictions. And he was instrumental in navigating the 2021 sale of Scientific Games’ Lottery Group for $6.05 billion to Brookfield Business Partners. That brought the company back to a 100% lottery focus and retained the legacy name. Bunitsky reflects on his career in the lottery industry in a conversation with Insights editor Patricia McQueen.