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Published: April 4, 2022

Rio de Janeiro State Lottery 'Loterj' will hold public hearing for bidding of new instant and predictive lotteries

Rio de Janeiro State Lottery - Loterj published Public Notice 001/2022 in today's (4) Official Gazette, in which it calls on the market to participate in a public hearing to guide the procedures for developing the exploitation of instant and predictive lottery modalities to be operated in Rio de Janeiro through online and betting terminals. The meeting will take place on April 25, at 2 pm, at the company's headquarters.

This Monday, April 4, the Official Gazette of the State of Rio de Janeiro published the Public Hearing Call Notice nº 001/2022, informing that it will hold a meeting on April 25, at 2 pm, at firm’s headquarters. As published, Loterj “let those who may be interested know that it will hold a Public Hearing, in order to guide the procedures in the development of the exploitation of the Instant Lottery and Prognostic Lottery modalities to carry out the operational activities inherent to the exploitation of the games of these modalities, in real time online and through betting terminals, within the scope of the State of Rio de Janeiro.”

Loterj's objective is to listen and guarantee “the right, to the sector and possible interested parties, to broad access and to all relevant information”, according to the terms of the administrative process prepared by the body.

This demonstrates Loterj's intention to resume the bidding process for the implementation of new lottery modalities in the State. In early February, the company revoked public tender 001/2021, which provided for the contracting of a company to provide services for the creation of lottery products in the state. This bidding had been suspended since July 2021 due to lawsuits filed in the Court of Auditors of the State of Rio de Janeiro by the consortium formed by IGT and Scientific Games.

Currently, Loterj has a contract in force with MCE and the public hearing will be to deal with a new bid by the company focused on instant lottery and numerical prediction lottery.

The Public Hearing will take place at 2 pm on April 25, 2022 at Loterj's headquarters, at Rua Sete de Setembro, 170 – Centro – Rio de Janeiro/RJ.




THE PRESIDENT OF THE RIO DE JANEIRO STATE LOTTERY, in the use of its legal attributions, based on art. 39, of Federal Law No. 8.666/1993, informs whoever may be interested that it will hold a public hearing, in order to guide the procedures in the development of the exploitation of the Instant Lottery and Prognostic Lottery modalities to carry out the operational activities inherent to the exploitation of the games of these modalities, in an online and real time environment and through betting terminals, within the State of Rio de Janeiro, listening and guaranteeing the right, to the sector and possible interested parties, the wide access and to all the pertinent information , according to the terms contained in administrative process No. SEI-150162/000201/2022, at the following place, date and time:


Rua Sete de Setembro, nº 170, Centro, Rio de Janeiro/RJ.

DATE: 04/25/2022.

TIME: 2:00 pm.

Thus, all interested parties are duly summoned, to have access and right to all relevant information, and to manifest themselves in a public hearing, on the object to be tendered by LOTERJ.

Source: GMB