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Published: March 22, 2022

Argentina: ALEA Agenda 2022: renewed impetus for training and specific certifications

On Thursday, March 17, authorities and representatives of 17 jurisdictions participated in the meeting of the Board of Directors, at the Sub-headquarters of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires.

Prior to the development of the agenda, the President of the IJAN, CP Alfredo Mónaco asked for the floor to remember the colleagues and members who died during the pandemic. Those present remembered Miguel Tavella (ISS-DAFAS), Raúl Segovia (IPLYC SE from Misiones), Julio Ledesma and Aldo Lettieri (IAFAS), Miguel Stipisic (Lotería Chaco), Estela S. Varsavsky (137bet Consultora) and Juan Manuel Alzaga ( BOLDT) with an emotional and forceful applause.

Then, the Executive Director, Mario Trucco, welcomed the President of INPROJUY, Walter Morales, in his first participation since his inauguration.

Regarding the 71st Ordinary Assembly of the Board of Legal Representatives, which will take place on May 12 in El Calafate, Santa Cruz, the members discussed the election of the authorities and, also, about the scheduled activities that will take place at Posada Los Álamos , as the venue for the event.

The state of the situation regarding Online Gaming in the jurisdictions, together with the complaints and blocking of pages and profiles that offer illegal gambling on social networks, was another matter addressed. The Executive Director invited the jurisdictions that have not yet participated to incorporate references. Thanks to this coordinated work of the members of ALEA, together with Facebook and Instagram, 225 profiles and pages that offer illegal gambling were reported, which were blocked in 95% of the cases.

Regarding the negotiations with Google, with the aim of incorporating official game applications in Google Play, it was reported that they continue to be developed.

Among the issues addressed, on the project for the Annual Report and General Balance Sheet 2021, the President's Message was shared, which received the approval of the Board.

Next, the CP Jorge Payeras, General Manager of the ISS-DAFAS and President of the Administrative Affairs Commission, presented the report and opinion of the Commission, on the progress of the execution of the 2022 budget and the execution of the 2021 budget, among other internal issues. .

In another order, a restructuring and new denomination of some of the Commissions and Units was proposed, which will continue to be worked on in the future.

Technician in Games of Chance: 96 entrants to 1st Year Cohort 2022 

“I celebrate the training task that is being done through ALEA. When I was in Salta for the delivery of diplomas, I had the opportunity to see the joy and energy that each one of the students has put into it. With that joy and pride we continue working to strengthen this career, which is a tool for regulatory bodies”, said the President of ALEA and the IPLyC of the province of Buenos Aires, Omar Galdurralde.

 Diego Wilde, Rector of UPAP, was present at the meeting to formally renew the framework agreement. Together with the President of ALEA, they signed the Academic Cooperation Agreement between both entities. Then, Wilde again thanked the trust in the university and highlighted, “the success that ALEA has had in this new call for a cohort that will start in 2022, that is proof that we are doing well. There are about thirty students who graduated last year. By the end of this year and the beginning of 2023, we hope that 77 will graduate.”
 Currently, between 1st, 2nd and 3rd, there are 219 Technician students, of which 77 are in 3rd year, 45 in 2nd and 96 started their first year of studies. 

Certified quality in the management of games of chance

Regarding the certifications under Normative Reference No. 19 ALEA-IRAM and the progress made in terms of Quality Management, jurisdictions that have not yet certified were invited to begin implementation. And it was recalled that IAFAS, IJAN and the Río Negro Lottery have already been certified. Meanwhile, LOAS of Santa Cruz, ISS-DAFAS and Lottery Chaco are implementing the SGC under Reference No. 19.

To certify under the WLA Level 1 Responsible Gaming Framework (MRJ, in English WLA-RGF), an exclusive benefit for ALEA members that is also free of charge, the dates were remembered, May 1 and October. And the members who have already certified in the WLA Responsible Gaming Framework, at its different (4) levels, were reminded of the commitment and importance of continuing to advance in the JR Certification Framework.

Finally, the institutional presence of ALEA at the 30th edition of SAGSE LATAM, at Hilton Buenos Aires, scheduled for March 30 and 31, was highlighted. We invite all our members to come closer, to visit our stand, which will be a meeting space, to tour the exhibition and to participate in talks with industry leaders.