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Published: October 7, 2021

Atlantic Lottery Returns Profit To Atlantic Provinces

Atlantic Lottery has returned its profit from the 2020-21 fiscal year.

The corporation returned $346.5 million to the four Atlantic Provinces.

The Destination line of business returned $177.1 million, while Retail and iLottery lines returned
$169.4 million.

“Atlantic Lottery and its employees are proud of the returns delivered to our region and our communities during this challenging year,” said Patrick Daigle, president and CEO of Atlantic Lottery in a statement.

Of the total profits, Atlantic Lottery returned $118.9 million to Nova Scotia, followed by $118.6 million to New Brunswick, $94.3 million to Newfoundland and Labrador, and $14.7 million to Prince Edward Island.

However, compared to the last fiscal year, Atlantic Lottery’s profit fell by $48.9 million, which was primarily due to COVID-19 safety measures being put into place.

100 per cent of Atlantic Lottery’s profit gets returned to the Atlantic provinces.