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Published: June 24, 2021

Commission ‘Impressed’ with Record-Breaking Missouri Lottery Proceeds for Education

“We’re one of the strongest business partners the State of Missouri could have,” noted May Scheve Reardon, executive director of the Missouri Lottery, who has seen annual Lottery proceeds to education increase by approximately $90 million over the last 12 years.

Missouri Lottery  

NEWS RELEASE PO Box 1603  •  Jefferson City, MO  • 65102  •  Phone (573) 751-4050  •

 June 23, 2021

Contact:  Wendy.Baker (573) 526-7442
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Commission ‘Impressed’ with Record-Breaking Missouri Lottery Proceeds for Education

            The Missouri State Lottery Commission held its quarterly meeting today in Jefferson City, where the five-member board praised the Lottery for achieving its highest performing year on record. In FY21, Lottery sales topped $1.8 billion. In turn, those sales translated into $377 million in proceeds for education – making up approximately 3-4% of the state’s funding for public education.

            A full $345 million in Lottery proceeds have already been transferred to the education fund this fiscal year, and another $32.7 million from FY21 sales will be transferred in early July.

            “I marvel at what you’ve done and the experience you have. I marvel at the integrity of the organization financially,” Lance Mayfield, Commission chairman, stated. “When you stack all that up, it’s just so impressive.”

“We’re one of the strongest business partners the State of Missouri could have,” noted May Scheve Reardon, executive director of the Missouri Lottery, who has seen annual Lottery proceeds to education increase by approximately $90 million over the last 12 years.

Reardon also noted that more than $1.2 billion was paid out to Lottery winners as prizes in FY21, and Missouri businesses earned $103.1 million selling Lottery products.

In addition, the Commission received updates about upcoming Lottery games and promotions, as well as strategic plan goals to optimize sales across retailers.

The Missouri State Lottery Commission will next meet in September.

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About the Missouri Lottery (
When you play the Missouri Lottery, you Play It Forward! Lottery proceeds make up approximately 3-4% of the state’s funding for public education. In FY20, the Lottery generated $333 million for vital education programs, including A+ scholarships.

Since sales started in 1986, the Missouri Lottery has generated more than $7 billion for the state and public education, Lottery players have won more than $15 billion in prizes, and retailers have earned more than $1.35 billion in commissions.


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