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Published: February 21, 2021

Connecticut Lottery’s Play3 and Play 4 Games Get “Wild” Beginning Monday, Feb. 22, with New Add-On Feature Wild Ball

CT Lottery’s Play3 and Play 4 Games Get “Wild” Beginning Monday, Feb. 22, with New Add-On Feature Wild Ball

ROCKY HILL, CT / February 18, 2021 – On Monday, Feb. 22, the CT Lottery will debut an add-on feature to its Play3 and Play4 games called “Wild Ball.” The Wild Ball is an extra number that is drawn by the CT Lottery at each drawing and increases a player’s chance of winning by creating more winning combinations. 

The Wild Ball can be used by the player to replace any one of the numbers drawn by the CT Lottery to create more chances for the player to win. The Wild Ball replaces a drawn ball; the Wild Ball does NOT replace a player’s number on their ticket. Adding the Wild Ball feature doubles the cost of a Play3/Play4 wager.

Using Play3 as an example – if a player purchases a Straight wager ticket with the Wild Ball add-on, and one selects 2-5-3, and the Lottery draws 1-5-3 as the winning numbers with the Wild Ball number 2, the player would win. The winning combinations for this Straight wager with the Wild Ball addition would include: 1-5-3; 2-5-3; 1-2-3; 1-5-2.  For more details:

The Play3 and Play4 games are played by matching a three-digit (Play3) or four-digit (Play4) number drawn in various combinations. The drawings for each game are conducted separately.

About CT Lottery:

Lottery sales benefit Connecticut's residents in valuable ways. In fiscal year 2020, players won more than $822 million in prize money and Retailers earned more than $73 million in commissions. At the same time, the CT Lottery provided $348 million to support the valuable services and programs funded by the state’s General Fund including public health, libraries, public safety, education and more.  Since the Lottery began in 1972, our contributions to the General Fund have exceeded $10 billion. 

The CT Lottery reminds the public that purchasers must be 18 or older.  If you gamble, use your GameSense.  For information about the CT Lottery, stop by any CT Lottery retailer, visit CTLOTTERY.ORG, join us on Facebook (, Instagram (, Twitter (, or call (860) 713-2700.

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