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Published: December 20, 2020

‘Looking forward’ is the main theme of the 11th EL Congress and trade show, planned from 31 May – 2 June 2021

As the difficult year of 2020 comes slowly to an end, we are looking forward to a hopefully better year to come.

‘Looking forward’ is the main theme of the 11th EL Congress and trade show, planned from 31 May – 2 June 2021. This event is foreseen to take place in Sibenik, with the Croatian Lottery as proud host. Due to the uncertainty related to today’s health crisis, we are planning a hybrid event. This means that part of the event will take place online and part of the event will be on-site in beautiful Sibenik. 
We are working on a digital edition, as well as on a limited physical one. With all uncertainty, we cannot share the exact details yet. We do hope that you understand this situation. Hopefully we will be able to inform you on both possibilities. We realize that this is not the most optimal situation and it requires certainly some ‘agility’ on your side. In the end, we will have however a great event where we can meet again, in a dedicated virtual world or even better, in sunny Sibenik.