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Published: July 24, 2019

INTRALOT applauds Idaho Lottery for their 30th anniversary and their significant contribution to the State of Idaho

Byron Boothe, Interim CEO of INTRALOT Inc., commented: “The entire Lottery should feel proud of how much they’ve accomplished over the last 30 years, and especially this year with the largest return to the state to date. We’re looking forward to providing new ways of fun and entertainment for Idaho players, and to continue to provide to one of our most valued customers. Most importantly, we’re excited about generating revenue for the State of Idaho”.

INTRALOT applauds Idaho Lottery for their 30th anniversary and their significant contribution to the State of Idaho

July 24th, 2019 

INTRALOT, a leading gaming vendor of lotteries around the globe, would like to congratulate our partners at the Idaho Lottery on their 30th anniversary. The Lottery announced $60 million in total dividends for the fiscal year ended June 30 at a ceremony on the steps of the Idaho Capitol. This is the highest annual transfer total to the State of Idaho since the Lottery launched in July 1989. Governor Brad Little accepted the ceremonial checks of $60 million for fiscal year 2019 and $906 million, representing the total transfer over the past 30 years.

 Since the beginning of our partnership, the Idaho Lottery and our US subsidiary INTRALOT, Inc. have worked together to successfully upgrade all lottery terminals at over 1,000 retailers and continue to launch new and exciting games regularly. Currently, the Idaho Lottery offers seven draw games, a plethora of scratch tickets, and Pulltab games.

 Byron Boothe, Interim CEO of INTRALOT Inc., commented: “The entire Lottery should feel proud of how much they’ve accomplished over the last 30 years, and especially this year with the largest return to the state to date. We’re looking forward to providing new ways of fun and entertainment for Idaho players, and to continue to provide to one of our most valued customers. Most importantly, we’re excited about generating revenue for the State of Idaho”.


INTRALOT, a public listed company established in 1992, is a leading gaming solutions supplier and operator active in 47 regulated jurisdictions around the globe. With €0.9 billion turnover and a global workforce of approximately 5,200 employees (3,000 of which in HQ and subsidiaries and 2,200 in associates) in 2018, INTRALOT is an innovation – driven corporation focusing its product development on the customer experience. The company is uniquely positioned to offer to lottery and gaming organizations across geographies market-tested solutions and retail operational expertise. The company has designed a new ecosystem of holistic omni-channel solutions across verticals (Lottery, Betting, Interactive, VLT) for Lotteries digital transformation. INTRALOT has been awarded the prestigious WLA Responsible Gaming Framework Certification by the World Lottery Association (WLA) and the WLA certificate for the Security Control standard.

For more info:

Mrs. Chryssa Amanatidou, Group Corporate Affairs Director

Ph.: +30 2106156000, Fax: +30-2106106800, email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. -