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Published: June 17, 2019

Switzerland: the Inter-Cantonal Lotteries and Betting Commission (Comlot) report for 2018

Comlot: Annual Report 2018

The Inter-Cantonal Lotteries and Betting Commission (Comlot) looks back on an interesting and challenging business year in its annual report and draws one positive balance sheet from its supervisory activity.

In total she has 60 new game offers granted. A total of 78 dossiers were opened and 30 prosecutions were prosecuted for alleged violations of the lottery legislation.

The new gaming law came into force on 1 January 2019 and complements the previous scope of Comlot with numerous and varied tasks and Powers.

The Comlot is looking forward to the upcoming challenges in the future based on modernized legislation.

In 2018, the Comlot granted the Loterie Romande 38 and the Swisslos 22 games. The Net winnings of the lottery companies amounted to around CHF 588 million. This
Money goes to the cantons and is used to support charitable projects.

The Comlot continues to make great efforts in the fight against illegal Gambling activities. In the year under review, a total of 78 dossiers were opened due to suspected violations of the law on lotteries.

The Comlot accompanied a total of 30 Criminal prosecution measures in various cantons. The focus of supervision The lotteries and their games were monitored during the year under review Game execution, which must be safe and socially acceptable.

The reporting year was a historic year for Switzerland's money games sector. In the Referendum of 10 June 2018, the Swiss voters spoke out clearly the new federal law on money games. The new gambling law came into force on 1 January 2019 and complements the previous scope of Comlot with numerous and versatile tasks and powers.

In the year under review were significant resources used for preparatory tasks in this context. The Comlot is happy, the future challenges based on modernized legislation.

Bern, June 7, 2019
The annual report of Comlot can be downloaded from
For telephone information:
Manuel Richard (d), director
Pascal Philipona (f), Member of the Board
Tel. 031 313 13 03