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Published: June 15, 2019

Idaho Lottery celebrates 30 years with world record attempt

How fast can you scratch?

2019 marks 30 years since the Idaho Lottery issued their first scratch card in the Gem State. And to mark the occasion, the Idaho Lottery is looking for ‘The Fastest Scratcher in Idaho.”

On July 19, they will host a Guinness World Records official attempt to break the record for the Largest Gathering of People Scratching Scratch Cards. To get the people necessary to make an attempt at the record, the Idaho Lottery will be traveling around Idaho, looking for the fastest scratchers.

David Workman with the Idaho Lottery says, "As part of our celebration on July 19th, the Idaho Lottery is sponsoring some pre-qualifying events for people who might think that they're the fastest scratchers of scratch tickets. People show up at one of our events that we're going to be hosting, uh, here and across the rest of the state, and qualify to come to Boise, expenses paid, by us, to do that."

There will be at least two pre-qualifying events in eastern Idaho. One will be on Tuesday, June 18 at the Maverik at 145 South Woodruff in Idaho Falls. Another will be on Thursday, June 20 at the Common Cents on South 5th Avenue in Pocatello. Both events will run from 4:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.

You must be over 18 to participate and the faster scratcher in Idaho will receive $1,000 in Idaho Lottery scratch tickets.