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Published: March 27, 2019

Texarkana Blood center offers lottery tickets

LifeShare Blood Center is offering blood donors a chance at a $750 million Powerball jackpot by giving them a lottery ticket for donating. The promotion, which runs through today, aims to encourage donors to come out and donate at 4020 Summerhill Road or at a local mobile blood drive. People can locate the nearest drive to them at

About one in seven people who go into the hospital need blood. One pint of blood is collected during one blood donation, taking less than 45 minutes. One donation can save three lives.

The local blood supply has recently experienced critical lows. The current supply isn't quite at a three-day safe supply level, and people with all blood types are urged to donate.

"Promotions like these are always fun and interesting to watch unfold, in hopes that one of our blood donors actually win the jackpot. It could literally be the best gift ever for such a selfless act of donating blood," said Tenille T. Terry, senior director of marketing and communications for LifeShare.

For more information, visit or call 903-794-3174.

High school blood drives are excluded from the promotion.