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Published: December 16, 2018

Missouri lottery generates $26.3 million in monthly profits for education

Profits from Missouri Lottery ticket sales in November were sent to the Lottery Proceeds Fund for public education today. This month’s transfer of $26,307,926 brings the total for FY19 to more than $167.6 million.

(MISSOURI)— Profits from Missouri Lottery ticket sales in November were sent to the Lottery Proceeds Fund for public education today. This month’s transfer of $26,307,926 brings the total for FY19 to more than $167.6 million.

Since Missouri Lottery sales started in 1986, the Lottery has generated more than $6 billion for the state and public education. Annual Lottery proceeds comprise about 4 percent of the state’s funding for public education – an effort shared by local, state and federal governments.

Prior to each fiscal year, the Lottery averages the most recent five years’ profits for a “benchmark” and increases that amount by 1 percent to arrive at a prudent goal for the next fiscal year.

In addition to providing funds for public education, the Lottery also benefits the state by collecting state taxes on prizes of more than $600. During FY18, the Lottery collected $4 million in state tax withholdings, along with another $955,000 in debt offsets for back taxes, child support, public defender fees and other state agency debts.

For complete information about Missouri Lottery proceeds, including the specific programs benefited in each county, see the “Where the Money Goes” section at