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Published: September 16, 2018

Française des Jeux (FDJ): Privatization only after the implementation of a new regulation of games of money and chance, by an amendment to the draft law Covenant.

The deputies have expected that the privatization of the Française des Jeux (FDJ) occurs only after the implementation of a new regulation of games of money and chance, by an amendment to the draft law Covenant.

An amendment LREM adopted in the night from Thursday to Friday, the special commission requires that the new regulation (may be through a single authority), as provided for by ordinance, is a prerequisite for the transfer to the private sector of the majority of the capital of the FDJ. The State owns 72% of the shares of the company, which owns in France the monopoly of the games of draw and scratch.

The Economy minister Bruno Le Maire, who carries the bill which will be discussed in the assembly chamber from 25 September, proposed to the deputies that the discussions on the regulation of the games begin in early October. It is committed to ensuring that the privatisation of the JDF is not launched prior to the establishment of regulatory mechanisms.

In July, the CEO of FDJ, Stéphane Pallez, had indicated to the AFP that no change of the status of the operator emblematic not take place before 2019.

The State awarded each year more than three billion euros collected on the bets of the 26 million players, a manna that will be maintained even after the privatisation of the FDJ.

 FDJ: no privatization before a new regulation of the games, provide the deputies

The deputies have planned that the privatization of the Française des Jeux (FDJ) intervenes only after the establishment of a new regulation of gambling and gambling, by an amendment to the draft law Pact.

An amendment LREM adopted in the night of Thursday to Friday in special commission requires that this new regulation (perhaps via a single authority), provided by order, is a prerequisite for the transfer to private a majority of the capital of the FDJ. The state owns 72% of the shares of the company, which holds in France the monopoly of drawing and scratching games.

The Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire, who is bringing the bill to be debated in the chamber from 25 September, has proposed to the deputies that the discussions on the regulation of games begin in early October. He pledged that the privatization of the FDJ would not be launched before the establishment of regulatory mechanisms.

In July, the CEO of the FDJ, Stéphane Pallez, told AFP that no change in status of the emblematic operator would occur before 2019.

Each year, the state pockets more than three billion euros from the bets of 26 million players, a windfall that will be maintained even after the privatization of the FDJ <