Published: August 29, 2018

Minnesota Lottery Announces Record Sales and Record Proceeds to Minnesota

Minnesota Lottery Announces Record Sales and Record Proceeds to Minnesota

Interview Opportunity with Lottery Director at the Minnesota State Fair

August 28, 2018 — More Minnesotans are saying I’MN to the Minnesota Lottery than ever before. Lottery sales set a record during Fiscal Year 2018, reaching $596.5 million, driven primarily by scratch game sales, which also set a record of $411.2 million.

Record sales also means the Minnesota Lottery delivered its biggest win yet for Minnesota—returning a record of $145 million to its beneficiaries, including $77 million to the state’s General Fund, $66 million to environmental programs, and $2 million to support problem gambling prevention and treatment programs. 

Who: Lottery Executive Director Robert A. Doty

What: Mr. Doty will be available to discuss the Lottery’s record-breaking fiscal year and highlight how proceeds benefit all parts of the state. Proceeds from the Minnesota Lottery have been positively impacting the lives of Minnesotans for over 28 years. Since 1990, Lottery sales have generated more than $2.9 billion for Minnesota.

When: Tuesday, Aug. 28, beginning at 11 a.m.

Where: The Lottery Booth at the Minnesota State Fairgrounds or News Booths

Why the Fair: State Fairgoers love the Lottery too and when they visit the Fair they show it by: 

  • Purchasing nearly $700,000 in tickets (2017 number).
  • Making the Lottery’s Fair booth the highest selling, non-food booth at the Fair.
  • Placing the Lottery's booth in the top 50 retail locations for the entire year in just the 12-day run of the Fair (out of 3,000 Lottery retailers).

More than 1,000 unique environmental programs have been funded with MN Lottery dollars, including 20+ programs represented at the Minnesota State Fair.

Contact: To schedule an interview, contact Adam Prock at 612-790-6860.

More info: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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