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Published: May 20, 2018

Delaware Lottery Plans to Introduce Full Sports Betting in June

DOVER, DE. - In Delaware, first state has decided to move forward with allowing full-scale sports betting after the Supreme Court ruling paved the way. Delaware Lottery officials say they've been preparing for this moment and that their new system should be ready next month. They add that there are no legal obstacles to moving forward with full-scale sports betting in Delaware, including head-to-head-betting, which allows single-game wagering. Officials say The Delaware Department of Finance will begin training lottery and casino staff next week.

"We did get testimony yesterday from the department of finance that they  are going to begin training on their side for the revenue that goes in and out of the state for this. We already have the facilities and it's a matter of adjusting the process for wagering," said Delaware Senator Colin Bonini.

Bonini adds that the profits Delaware could see will be based on whether or not their surrounding states will allow this type of betting as well.