It’s a record-breaking April Arkansas Lottery providing a jackpot for in-state scholarships
It’s a record-breaking April
Arkansas Lottery providing a jackpot for in-state scholarships
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE-- Contact Kara Lee Ford at 501-683-1646 for more information
May 8, 2018
LITTLE ROCK – The Arkansas Scholarship Lottery is reporting its biggest-ever April for prizes, ticket sales, total revenue and retailer commissions. Total sales were $42,006,929 for April 2018 compared to $38,614,686 last April; this April’s total revenue was $42,180,970 versus last year’s $38,722,169. (See graph below for quick details.)
Year to date, the Lottery is up 13 percent, or nearly $49 million, in total sales versus the same period last year. “We’re obviously very proud of these numbers, and we’re proud to say the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery has now raised more than $759 million for in-state scholarships,” Director Bishop Woosley said. “The June 15 deadline to apply for a scholarship is fast approaching, so we’d like to encourage any interested Arkansas student to apply for one at”
This record-breaking April follows a trend. Last month’s report recorded the highest-ever March for prizes, ticket sales, retailer commissions, and total revenue in its history. In total, March was the second-highest sales month ever for the Lottery, including the highest Cash 4 sales month ever, and the highest Fast Play sales month ever.
The full April report was released to the Lottery Oversight Committee today. This report is available to the public at the Lottery website:
About the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery
More than 92 cents of every dollar of Lottery revenue goes to prizes, scholarships, retailer commissions, and other expenses in Arkansas. Since Lottery sales started in 2009, the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery has provided more than $759 million for in-state college scholarships to Arkansas students, $2.5 billion+ in prizes to players, and more than $219 million in commissions to Lottery retailers.
Follow the Arkansas Scholarship Lottery on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. Visit for more information on scholarships, winners, games, odds, promotions -- and to join The Club for free. To hear winning numbers, call the Winning Numbers Hotline at 501-682-IWON (4966). To get help with problem gambling, contact the National Problem Gambling Helpline at 1-800-522-4700.