The 16 state lottery companies in the German Lotto and Totoblock (DLTB) Annual balance sheet: 105 new lottery millionaires and 2.8 billion euros to promote the common good
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DLTB annual balance sheet: 105 new lottery millionaires and 2.8 billion euros to promote the common good
But illegal online offers and black lotteries threaten the common good gambling
The luck was also 2017 left. The 16 state lottery companies in the German Lotto and Totoblock (DLTB) have paid around 3.5 billion euros in 2017 as winnings to the game participants. In addition, about 2.8 billion euros went to the common good: as lottery tax to the state budget and as a subsidy for social projects, sports, culture, monuments and environmental protection.
The stakes of the German Lotto and Totoblocks in 2017 totaled 7.05 billion euros. The stakes went down to the very successful with 7.31 billion euros last year by 3.6%.
The leaders of the DLTB, Michael Heinrich and Torsten Meinberg, mention two reasons for this:
2. Private, foreign gambling companies poaching increasingly in the German market and do not care about advertising bans and consumer protection.
Torsten Meinberg adds: "The money that these foreign gambling companies save on taxes and public welfare expenses is invested in aggressive advertising. Players who play there, in case of dispute, have to sue unpaid winnings abroad. Illegal games of chance are a threat to youth and consumer protection, and they undermine the promotion of the common good.
Black lotteries make aggressive advertising despite prohibition
The extent to which foreign gambling groups advertise in German media despite being banned is shown by the latest advertising statistics from Nielsen Media Research: Gross advertising spendings for "black betting on lotteries" (without betting license in Germany) more than doubled compared to the previous year and were included in 2017 79 million euros. This exceeds the advertising volume of all 16 state-owned lottery companies of the DLTB, which had invested a total of around 78 million euros in advertising in 2017. (Data source: gross advertising spendings collected by Nielsen Media Research in 2017.)
Fewer hot jackpot phases than last year
There were only a few exciting jackpot phases in 2017: In 2016, four long jackpot phases boosted gaming enthusiasm and stakes on LOTTO 6aus49 and Eurojackpot, so in 2017 there were only two giant jackpots in these lottery numbers. Both were cracked in the first four months: In LOTTO 6aus49 a player from Schleswig-Holstein won over 31 million euros in January. At the Eurojackpot, the highest jackpot was hit in April 2017: 87 million euros went to a winner in Finland at Easter. The highest German Eurojackpot profit of € 50 million was on May 26, 2017 in Rhineland-Palatinate.
105 new millionaires and a record at TOTO
Around 24 million people use DLTB's gaming offerings. In 2017, the state lottery companies were able to pay out about 3.5 billion euros in profits to all players. There were 948 big profits over 100,000 euros and even 105 profits in the millions.
With LOTTO 6aus49, 48 players became millionaires, 22 with the additional lottery Game 77, nine with the GlücksSpirale, 14 with the Eurojackpot, four with BINGO or the New Year's Eve and two with regional specials. KENO could report a millionaire.
Another millionaire had typed in the football bet TOTO: With a profit of 1.1 million euros TOTO had the highest profit share since the existence of the earnings bet.
In fast jedem Bundesland konnte der DLTB einen neuen Millionär küren, außer im Saarland und in Sachsen. Dabei haben sich die Baden-Württemberger mit 21 Millionären den ersten Platz in der Millionärsstatistik des DLTB gesichert, eng gefolgt von 20 neuen Millionären aus Nordrhein-Westfalen und 13 aus Bayern.
Die Glückszahlen 2017
Einige „Glückszahlen“ wurden besonders häufig gezogen: Bei LOTTO 6aus49 rollte die Zahl 18 gleich 20 Mal ins Töpfchen, jeweils 18 Mal brachten die Kugeln mit den Nummern 25, 27 und 49 den Spielern das erhoffte Glück.
Produktneueinführung: Sieger-Chance erfolgreich gestartet
Kontinuierlich wird im DLTB an der Weiterentwicklung des Spielangebots gearbeitet. So hat sich die im Juli 2016 eingeführte „Sieger-Chance“ als Zusatzlotterie der Glücksspirale etabliert, die den Sport besonders fördert. Inzwischen wird die Zusatzlotterie in acht Bundesländern angeboten: in Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, Berlin, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, Nordrhein-Westfalen, Rheinland-Pfalz, Saarland und Schleswig-Holstein. Die Spieleinsätze lagen 2017 bereits bei rund 14 Mio. Euro.
Eine positive Entwicklung verzeichnen auch die Sofortlotterien, zu denen Rubbellose, Aufreißlose und Losbriefe gehören. Hier stiegen die Spieleinsätze um acht Millionen Euro (2 %), von 438 Mio. auf 446 Mio. Euro im Jahr 2017.
2,8 Milliarden Euro für das Gemeinwohl
Ein Großteil der von den staatlichen Lottogesellschaften erwirtschafteten Gelder kommen der Allgemeinheit zu Gute. Die 16 Landes-Lotteriegesellschaften haben im zurückliegenden Jahr erneut einen Milliardenbetrag für das Gemeinwohl erzielt. Denn rund 40 % der Lotterieeinnahmen fließen über Lotterieabgaben an die Bevölkerung zurück.
Dabei gingen insgesamt ca. 1,6 Milliarden Euro an Projekte in Kultur, Sport, Sozialem sowie Denkmal- und Umweltschutz. Die Lotteriesteuer (16,67 %) umfasste im vergangenen Jahr fast 1,2 Milliarden Euro und wurde an die jeweiligen Staatshaushalte abgeführt. Zusätzlich erfolgten je nach Bundesland weitere direkte oder indirekte Fördermaßnahmen – auch über LOTTO-Stiftungen – für den Umwelt- und Naturschutz, Kultur- und Denkmalschutz sowie soziale und gemeinnützige Zwecke.
The German Lotto and Totoblock (DLTB) is the community of 16 independent lottery companies in the federal states. LOTTO stands for happiness on the basis of responsibility. Our primary goal is to make it possible to play with luck while at the same time preventively preventing the development of gambling addiction.
Government-mandated, our actions are not driven by profit, but are primarily geared to promoting the common good. The stakes of the participants largely go back to the general public and finance numerous projects in the areas of social, cultural and sports.
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Official press photos of the DLTB leader and CEO of LOTTO Hamburg zur
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For further questions
Madeleine Göhring
German Lotto and Totoblock (DLTB)
Press officer
Telephone: +49 (0) 40 6 32 05 -241