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Published: February 23, 2025

Illinois Lottery sales increase to $3.9 billion in 2024

The Illinois Lottery sales topped $3.87 billion during the fiscal year of 2024 up 5%. iLottery sales account for approximately 39% of all draw-based games sales and 17% of total sales in FY24 Q1-Q3.

Operating Income was $704 million, which is 12% more than projected and 3% more than the same period in FY23.

Instant ticket sales through Q3 were $1,595 million, 2% below the previous year, and 4% higher than the same period in FY23. Instant sales are down primarily due to a decrease in sales of the $5 and $10 price points.

All price points are down compared to Plan with the exception the $30 and $50. $30 ticket sales are up $36 million and the Department’s first and only $50 ticket is up $39 million from Plan, but the $5 ticket category is down $64 million from Plan and the $10 ticket category is down $24 million.

In its history, most of the revenue from the Illinois State Lottery, 65 cents of each $1, goes to prizes. Another 10 cents per dollar is reserved for commissions, bonuses, and operating expenses. That leaves 25 cents availablefor state funds, including the Common School Fund.

From that total, $2.3 billion went to prizes, $186 million covered commissions and expenses,
and $3.7 million for the Capital Projects Fund. That left $762 million for the Common School Fund.,and%2017%25%20of%20total%20sales%20in%20FY24%20Q1-Q3.