Published: May 26, 2024

FC Barcelona and Grup Social ONCE sign an agreement to promote accessibility to the future Spotify Camp Nou

SPAIN (May 23, 2024) — The president of FC Barcelona, ​​Joan Laporta, together with the president of the ONCE Social Group, Miguel Carballeda, make the agreement official, which unites the two entities for the next four years

The president of FC Barcelona, ​​Joan Laporta , signed this Thursday with the president of the ONCE Social Group,  Miguel Carballeda , an agreement that unites the two entities for the next four years. This agreement also has the signature of the institutional vice president of the Club, Elena Fort 

The purpose is to work together with the objective of defining a general and stable framework of collaboration, to develop communicative, physical and technological elements that make the new Stadium a reference space in terms of accessibility and equality for all people.

The event was also attended by Joan Sentelles, director of operations at Espai Barça, Maite Laporta, head of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion department, and Jordi Portabella, director of the Sustainability Area, on behalf of  FC Barcelona. And with Enric Botí, ONCE delegate in Catalonia; Àngel Ávila, subdelegate, and María Sierra López, vice president of the Territorial Council.

Within the framework of this agreement, both parties will always seek the best means of collaboration to be able to develop those projects that allow a strategic alliance between the two institutions, always with the corresponding prior agreement, which may occur in any form that the parties may deem appropriate. .

Accessibility audit for the future Spotify Camp Nou

As part of the alliance between the two entities, an accessibility audit will be carried out at the new Estadi, which will specifically be based on technical assistance in accessibility on the execution project of the future Spotify Camp Nou and its accesses.

November 30, 125th birthday commemorative coupon draw

On November 30 of this year, the ONCE draw will feature FC Barcelona’s 125th birthday, in the form of a commemorative coupon, which will be distributed by the Organization’s more than 20,000 sales agents.

This tribute, with 5.5 million coupons, represents the will of this agreement on accessibility, which merges ONCE’s mission of making the dreams of thousands of people with disabilities come true, with the generation of jobs, education and a multitude of services that facilitate your daily life; and the mission of FC Barcelona to make the Club an increasingly inclusive and diverse organization and contribute to the construction of a more fair and equitable society for all people.

About the ONCE Social Group

 The  ONCE Social Group It is the joint work of ONCE, Fundación ONCE and Ilunion that aims to achieve full inclusion and access to autonomous living for blind people and people with other disabilities.

ONCE was born 85 years ago from the initiative of a group of blind people who thought that together they would be stronger to achieve equality and a decent life with the sale of lottery products, then the first pro-blind coupon. 

Eight and a half decades later, the ONCE Social Group is the largest generator of social services for blind people and employment for people with disabilities in the world and the fourth largest non-public employer in Spain.

ONCE in Catalonia serves more than 10,500 blind, visually impaired or deafblind people, to whom it provides specialized services. This great social work is possible thanks to its social, responsible and safe lottery.\


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