Published: May 22, 2024

Loterie Romande’s annual results for 2023: 243.7 million francs for welfare, sport, culture and the environment

May 22, 2024 – Loterie Romande continues to play a key role in supporting associations in French-speaking Switzerland. Its strong 2023 results, boosted by a range of games that is innovative, diversified and responsible, have generated a contribution of CHF 243.7 million for public benefit purposes. Counting on this support are almost 5,000 projects in the areas of health, heritage, welfare, sport, training, the environment, tourism, education and culture.

The annual general meeting of Loterie Romande, held in Geneva on 16 May 2024, approved the 2023 operating accounts. Gross gambling revenues, i.e. the amount of money staked less winnings paid out to players, totalled CHF 420.7 million. “This result can be attributed in particular to the rigorous management of operating costs, the strengthening of our digital offering, and – with the launch of the European draw game EuroDreams in October 2023 – the diversity of our product range,” says Jean-René Fournier, Chairman of Loterie Romande.

5,000 beneficiary projects and essential support for the local economy

Loterie Romande is making CHF 243.7 million available for public benefit purposes in 2023, which represents an average of CHF 660,000 per day. Almost 5,000 projects in the French-speaking cantons (Vaud, Fribourg, Valais, Neuchâtel, Geneva and Jura) are receiving a total of CHF 220.8 million. National sport (Swiss Olympic, the Swiss Football Association and the Swiss Ice Hockey Federation) is to receive CHF 19.5 million. The Swiss Horse Racing Federation (FSC) will benefit to the tune of CHF 3.4 million for equestrian sport.

Loterie Romande has 240 employees. It paid 2,400 retailers in French-speaking Switzerland CHF 80 million in the form of commissions on sales in 2023. “This system of commission-based remuneration helps support local businesses while recognising the major commitment made by retailers, whether in terms of sales of our games, advice given to players, protection of minors or prevention of excessive gambling,” explains Jean-Luc Moner-Banet, CEO of Loterie Romande.

Attractive range of games in a responsible environment

The mission entrusted to Loterie Romande by legislators is to offer a safe, attractive and responsible range of games. Protecting players from the risks associated with gambling is therefore a key issue – one that is reflected in the implementation of a wide-ranging programme of social measures on its online gaming platform and at its sales outlets.

In the run-up to the UEFA European Football Championship, Loterie Romande is rolling out measures aimed specifically at banning the sale of sports betting and all its games to under-18s. The measures include additional compulsory training for retailers, prevention and information campaigns, and the addition of moderators on its LoRo QR app, which allows users to prepare their stakes before placing them at the sales outlet. Part of a major programme of social measures, these are part of Loterie Romande’s ongoing efforts to ensure that gambling remains a game.


We are also providing you with the 2023 annual report, which presents the institution’s activities and results, as well as photos of Loterie Romande.


Loterie Romande
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