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Published: December 6, 2023

New Jersey Lottery has published a proposed rule change which provides that Lottery winners can choose to remain anonymous

NJ Lottery Public Notices


NJ Lottery Announces Proposed Rulemaking


TRENTON (Dec. 4, 2023) – The New Jersey Lottery has published a Proposed Notice of Amendment to repeal and replace an existing rule, as required by law. The Notice has been published in the New Jersey Register, on the Department of the Treasury website, on the public notice section of the Lottery’s own website, and distributed to the Star-Ledger and other interested papers. Interested persons are afforded the opportunity to submit written comments on the proposed rule changes.


The rule proposal clarifies how the Lottery applies N.J.S.A. 5:9-7b, which provides that Lottery winners can choose to remain anonymous. The proposal replaces prior language in N.J.A.C. 17:20-7.7, which states that the Lottery may use the names, addresses and photographs of winners. The proposed revision to that section states that holders of winning tickets may remain anonymous and provides additional information concerning how the Lottery will engage with winners.


The Proposed Notice of Amendment also clarifies that winners of certain “second chance drawings” are not subject to the anonymity provisions. Second chance drawings, public contests, and other giveaways offered by the Lottery that do not require a cost to participate are not subject to the same anonymity rules applied to traditional Lottery prizes.


While players may choose to maintain their anonymity publicly when they file a claim, proper identification must still be presented for internal processing so that State agencies are able to share information for debts owed to the State or federal government.


For more information on the proposed rule amendment and the proposed new rule, visit the Public Notice section of the Lottery website. To comment on a proposed rule, interested persons must submit written comments by February 2, 2024 to:


Patricia Coppel

Division of State Lottery

PO Box 041

Trenton, New Jersey 08625-0041


