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Published: November 11, 2023

PGRI Hall of Fame Induction Ceremonies 2023 Photos

PGRI Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony for ​Keith Cash, Sarah Taylor, and Jennifer Welshons was held at the NASPL conference in Milwaukee on November 1st, 2023. ​On hand to welcome the new inductees were ​Front row: (L) to (R) Jennifer Westbury, Wendy Montgomery, Keith Cash (Class 2023), Sarah Taylor (Class 2023), Rebecca Paul, Jennifer Welshons, (Class 2023), John Schulz, Matt Whalen, May Scheve. Back Row R to L: Scott Gunn, Gary Grief, Jay Gendron, Doug Pollard, Mark Michalko, Pat McHugh, David Gale    Click here to read their biographies 

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The induction ceremony for the Mr Farris, Mr Kötter, Mr van’t Veer was held at EL Congress in Šibenik, Croatia on Tuesday June 6th 2023; Lottery Industry Hall of Fame members on hand to welcome the inductees from the First Ceremony were: L-R HANSJORG HOLTKEMEIER, DOUG POLLARD,  JENNIFER WELSHONS (2023), SARAH M. TAYLOR (2023), JENNIFER WESTBURY, PHILIPPE VLAEMMINCK, KONSTANTINOS FARRIS (2023),  LYNNE ROITER, ANDREAS KöTTER (2023),  REBECCA PAUL, OLLI SAREKOSKI, ROMANA GIRANDON, ARJAN VAN'T VEER (2023), FRIEDRICH STICKLER, RAY BATES, DAVID GALE.     Click here to reads their biographies   

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