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Published: November 11, 2023

Veikkaus Introduces Mandatory Scratch Cards Identification Checks From 2024

On the first day of 2024, another significant reform will take place in the history of Finnish gambling, when the familiar scratch cards, such as the Ässä and Casino lottery, will be the last product group to be recognized.

The purchase of scratch cards, claim of winnings and participation in the renewed additional lottery require identification by the same person from January 1, 2024. Identification is already possible in the usual way from coupon games, i.e. with a Veikkaus card, a driving, personal, Kela card or a mobile card found in the Veikkaus application.  

Identification for coupon games such as Lotto and Eurojackpot came into effect last May.  

- The conditions for identification of scratch cards are good, because we have a very large customer base with the identification of coupon games. Identification is already a familiar operating method to our customers, says Ville Venojärvi , director of Veikkaus lottery games . 

At the time of claim, the original scratch card against which the winnings are paid is still required. Lottery winnings are therefore not paid directly to the customer's game or bank account, as in coupon games, despite identification. Lottery winnings are revealed only when you scratch, and for redemption you need the identification information of the lottery, which is entered into the sales terminal when the lottery is checked. 

Until the end of 2023, lottery tickets will be sold as before, without identification. Winnings from lotteries bought in 2023 can be claimed and you can participate in their additional draws until the end of 2024.

A new additional draw every day in the future

With identification, a new additional raffle will be available for the scratch cards. From the beginning of 2024, all such lotteries with no winnings can be entered into the daily additional lottery at points of sale. In the past, the additional draw has only been available for Ässä and Casino values ​​once a week. Five prizes of 1,000 euros are drawn daily. 

- The new additional draw offers excitement to scratch card players more often than before. Participating in the new additional lottery is easier and we respond to customers' wishes with the reform, explains Venojärvi. 

Identification enables the means to manage gaming 

With the identification, scratch cards will also be included in the scope of gaming management tools, such as game bans, in the future. Identification also makes it possible to effectively identify and prevent risky gambling based on data. 

- Veikkaus is one of the first game companies in the world where playing both digital and physical channels, including scratch cards, requires identification. With the help of identification, we prevent gaming disadvantages, strengthen age limit monitoring and build a safer gaming environment for everyone, says Ville Venojärvi.!/article/tiedotteet/pelit/2023/7_vuoden-2024-alusta-alkaen-kaikki-veikkauksen-pelit-edellyttavat-tunnistautumista_raaputusarpojen-tunnistautumisen