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Published: November 7, 2023

Illinois Lottery sales rise by 13% in September

Sales of the Illinois Lottery were up by 13 per cent to $298.3 million in September, on a strong performance by the Powerball lottery.

Powerball sales almost trebled to $26.3 million in the month, as the jackpot continued to grow towards $1 billion.

Powerball tickets accounted for 9 per cent of Illinois’s lottery sales in September.

Instant win sales grew by 1 per cent year-on-year to $163.9 million and represented 55 per cent of total sales.


The Illinois Lottery’s Commitment: Funding K-12 Education in Illinois

With your help, the Illinois Lottery was able to generate $834 million for public education, capital projects, and good causes!

When people play the Illinois Lottery, it's a win for our State and the almost two million public school students and their families in Illinois. The Illinois Lottery provides critical funding to K-12 public education across the State every year. 

Approximately 25% of every dollar played on the Illinois Lottery is used to support education and other good causes.  In fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 – June 30, 2022), Illinois Lottery players helped generate $834 million for the State of Illinois, most of which helped fund education. Since 1985, the Illinois Lottery has contributed more than $24 billion in revenue to educational funding in Illinois.

Every time you buy a lottery ticket, it’s a win for education in Illinois.


What does the Illinois Lottery's contribution mean to educational funding?

Of the $9.3 billion in educational funding the State appropriated in fiscal year 2022, $775 million – over 8% – came from the Illinois Lottery. On average, the Illinois Lottery contributed approximately $4.4 million per school day for Illinois public schools in fiscal year 2022.