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Published: August 31, 2023

New Mexico Lottery surpasses $1 Billion raised for NM Education


August 31, 2023

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New Mexico Lottery Announces $1 Billion has been raised for New Mexico Education

ALBUQUERQUE – The New Mexico Lottery announces $1 billion has now been raised for New Mexico education through Lottery ticket sales.

This milestone has been 27 years in the making. Since its inception in 1996, the New Mexico Lottery’s mission has been to maximize revenue for New Mexico education through Lottery ticket sales.

Lottery Board Chair Reta Jones is proud to be part of this special achievement, having served on the Board from 2003 to 2013 and again from 2019 to the present.

“Throughout my tenure as Lottery Board Chair, I have watched the dedication and determination it takes to maximize revenues for the scholarship fund,” said Jones. “It is such a humbling experience to be able to help so many New Mexicans reach their dream of going to college.”

David Barden, New Mexico Lottery CEO, said, “The biggest New Mexico Lottery winner so far has been New Mexico education.” New Mexico students aren’t the only winners. “Every Lottery ticket sale touches many lives in New Mexico.   In addition to more than 144,000 New Mexicans who have already received a scholarship, others win also. Players win prizes, retailers benefit from income that helps them create jobs, and even tax dollars are generated from prizes,” said Barden.

It’s been an exciting year for the New Mexico Lottery. Fiscal Year 2023 was a record year, with the highest total sales and a record return of $50.5 million to the scholarship fund. Reaching $1 billion in returns is a reason for New Mexico to celebrate.

As of the July 2023 transfer,

Lottery proceeds have totaled more than $1 billion:

 $ 66.5 million to the Public School Capital Outlay Fund

 $937.4 million to the Legislative Lottery Scholarship Fund.

New Mexico Lottery proceeds have averaged $41.6 million over the last 9 years, with the previous record totaling $46.5 million in FY 2021.

Thanks to multiple jackpot run-ups, a third draw day for Powerball (Mondays), and new games, a new record return was reached in Fiscal Year 2023. Fiscal Year 2024 is off to a great start, with two billion-dollar jackpots in July. And a number of exciting Scratchers are on the horizon including a food-themed ticket set to launch after the holidays. Legislative Lottery Scholarships All profits from the sale of New Mexico Lottery games fund an in-state college tuition assistance program.

Since 1996, the New Mexico Lottery has raised more than $1 billion for education and more than 144,000 students have attended college on Legislative Lottery Scholarships.

More information about Legislative Lottery Scholarships is available at
