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Published: November 5, 2023

Congratulations to the PGRI Lottery Industry Hall of Fame Class of 2023!

PGRI Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony for ​Keith Cash, Sarah Taylor, and Jennifer Welshons was held at the NASPL conference in Milwaukee.  Class of 2023 Inductees: Sarah M. Taylor, Jennifer Welshons, Keith Cash, Konstantinos Farris, Andreas Kötter,  Arjan van’t Veer Click here to read their biographies

PGRI Hall of Fame Induction Ceremony for ​Keith Cash, Sarah Taylor, and Jennifer Welshons was held at the NASPL conference in Milwaukee on November 1  2:15pm - 2:45pm, Ballrooms A+B, Street Level, Baird Center.  Sarah M. Taylor, Andreas Kötter, Konstantinos Farris, Arjan van’t Veer, Keith Cash, Jennifer Welshons ​Click here to read their biographies   (The induction ceremony for the Mr Farris, Mr Kötter, Mr van’t Veer was held at EL Congress in Šibenik, Croatia on Tuesday June 6)

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