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Published: April 23, 2023


For Immediate Release                                                                                                  Contact:  Christian Teja

                                                                                                                                                Phone:  (781) 664-7168

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Mobile cashing function providing sustainability benefits, while offering convenience and cost savings to customers


DORCHESTER, MA (April 21, 2023) – As we celebrate Earth Day this Saturday, the Massachusetts State Lottery app has made a measurable impact on the environment since the launch of a mobile cashing feature in September of 2021. It has reduced carbon emissions and paper usage while offering convenience and cost savings to customers in the process.


With over 56,000 prize claims fulfilled through the app, the elimination of vehicle trips to Lottery claim centers for these transactions has preserved an estimated 112,000 gallons of gas, resulting in an estimated carbon emissions reduction of over 2.2 million pounds. Processing these claims electronically has also reduced the Lottery’s production of paper checks.


“The Lottery’s mobile cashing app has not only been extraordinarily accommodating for our players but has proven to have a direct positive impact on our environment,” said State Treasurer Deborah B. Goldberg, Chair of the Massachusetts State Lottery Commission. “These benefits will continue to grow as our customers take increasing advantage of this feature that also provides them with fuel cost savings.”


Lottery winners have claimed over $73.5 million in prizes and have saved an estimated $433,000 in gasoline costs.


“Earth Day is a great occasion to spread awareness of the variety of ways in which businesses can promote environmental sustainability,” said Mark William Bracken, Interim Executive Director of the Mass Lottery. “We thank our customers for their role in preserving the environment by welcoming this technology.”


The continuing environmental impact of mobile cashing is being tracked on the Mass Lottery website.


The mobile cashing feature gives customers the ability to claim prizes of $601 to $5,000 securely through the Mass Lottery app and receive their winnings electronically to their bank account. Prior to the introduction of this feature, these prize claims had to be processed at one of six Lottery claim centers or submitted by mail.


The Mass Lottery app also allows registered users to scan tickets to see if they are winners. Over 194,000 users have registered. The Mass Lottery app is available for both Android and iOS devices.

